Friday, 8 June 2012

Coding Week 2: Trekking Exploration

Trek is a long, adventurous journey undertaken on foot in areas where common means of transport are generally not available. 

yes as the title suggest week 2 has been completely dedicated to Xapian exploration.Bigram Integration proposal was in the highest procrastinated stage.So I decided to explore and create a plan for integration of Bi-gram which is major part of my work in GSOC2012.

I remember one is went to a small trip to rishikesh a had little trekking adventure in package.Trekking is like discovering new things around you in a difficult environment. Most Important part of trekking is you stand at a distance from a beautiful waterfall or surrounding and you could feel about wonderful place being around you.Which creates an anxiety to run and visit.

ah! Strangely or Luckily i must say code exploration of Xapian also followed on the line of trekking.

How Come Trekking Exploration ==== Code Exploration ??
In desire to make Bi-gram Integration proposal for GSOC project i started with the entrance of Xapian which is User API classes and function.Since first step would be indexing i started from what is indexing.Which could be considered as entrance point from where exploration starts and people are really excited about going on excavation. So was I :) !!!

Then following the trail what functions the API calls and what is infrastructure which supports will the bi-gram integration in the architecture.You See a lot of exciting code or component in between or some sight-seeing locations in case of trekking.
i was less aware about how the TermList is being accessed by the API User and i Found the TermIterator which is basically a pointer to termlist.So While going to your final goal "Bigram integration Proposal". We get plenty of exciting experience in your journey, Of-course which are code-components ,sight-seeing locations which we admire. I would also like to quote a proverb from film peaceful warriors.
Journey are more important than the destination itself - Peaceful Warriors

In program when you locate place where code could reside you rush to the class to find the code and get satisfied about how this thing works.Don't say you couldn't relate it to trekking obviously you hear water falling and you rush to location of water fall.And Finally there is a (happy)moment where you actually i found on this is how the terms are stored so i can create a parallel infrastructure for Bi-grams or how the surrounding of waterfall looks.So in all you completed your exploration and feels happy about it.

There were discouraging moments when i couldn't find how this thing works and i am glad i wasn't disheartened and re-searched  the trails and finally created the Bigram Integration Proposal.These Discouraging and Happy moments while exploration filled gap in Journey of Proposal.Really enjoyed this journey filled with discouraging and happy moment, Experience while journey matter more than Proposal itself(will help in coding too).

In all Trekking in Week 2 was a real fun.

P.S: I have restrained my self from including a bulk of technical details if you like please visit so called Bigram-Integration- proposal at


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Code Exploration . Awesome yar . I went through a similar experience last week. Your code reading skills would have definitely improved ! Nice analog yar !
